5 Different Classes of Fires

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5 Different Classes of Fires

Fire safety and prevention is always a subject of great importance. It’s one we try to keep top of mind.

Fires are unfortunately one of those things that can get out of hand very quickly, so it’s important to be as prepared and educated as you can be before you find yourself in an emergency.

Classes of Fires

When it comes to fire safety and prevention, knowing which class of fire you are dealing with is extremely important. The class of fire affects the type of fire extinguisher you would use to put out the fire.

Here are the five classes of fires.

Class A

Class A fires involve common household combustibles like paper, cardboard, household plastics, cloth, wood, etc.

Class B

Class B fires involve highly flammable and combustible liquids like gasoline, oil, tars, alcohols and the like. Class B fires should not be confused with Class K.

Class C

Class C fires involve energized electrical equipment like appliances, computers, electrical panels, wiring, motors and transformers. Once the power is disconnected, the Class C fire converts to a different class.

Class D

Class D fires involve heavier combustible material like titanium, magnesium, potassium — any material that might have a violent reaction to water, air or other chemicals.

Class K

Class K fires typically occur in larger commercial kitchens. They involve oils and fats in larger cooking appliances.

Knowing Your Application

Knowing what class of fire you could be dealing with and which type of fire extinguisher is designed for that situation could make all the difference when planning for fire prevention and maintenance.

The best thing to do is get educated and be as prepared as you can. That’s why we are here to help! For more information, please check out our complete range of fire extinguishers to see what’s best for you. Don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions.

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